9:00 AM09:00

Antenna Build Day

We are planning to build Tape Measure Yagi-Uda antenna or a loop antenna. If you have supplies bring as much as you have. There are other supplies available. PVC pieces might be desirable to bring, if you have an idea of what you want to build. I think a 3 element is enough if it isn’t enough for you then we will change it up!

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6:00 PM18:00

Enid ARC Meeting and Greeting

Eat menu items and talk among friends until 1900

Presentation on Amateur Radio topics then business meeting to follow:

Round Table discussion on safety and Amateur Radio

Agenda for Business to be covered at this meeting:

Rebrand the group for better knowledge of activities and demographics

DISCUSS Legal implications of name change.

DMR and AREDN Updates

Previous Meeting Minutes:

The Enid Amateur Radio Club (EARC) monthly meeting was held at 1900 hours on 19 Feb 23 at Blazes BBQ.

1. Meeting called to order by James (KI5OEB) at 1900

2. Vernon (W5FMF) requested help being "net control operator" on the

second Tuesday night of each month

3. Treasurer's report given by Ed (KG5EM)

4. Jim (WA5ZBW) gave update on Grant applications and possible purchase of building/property.

Vote was taken to proceed. Ays- all opposed-none

5. Member health issues discussed

6. Training presented by Dave (KC5SII), Repeater Theory/Operation

7. New member introduction by Ryan (KI5WUW)

8. Looking for volunteers for giving training

9. Vote was held for EARC to pay for bypass filters

10. Next scheduled monthly meeting for 16 March 2023 at 1800 to eat and business meeting at 1900

11. Motion to close, second, all in favor.

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6:00 PM18:00

EARC Meeting

Presentation will be on Linking our Yaesu repeaters, how and why we need them together. Dave Locke

Treasurer’s Report - Ed Murphy

Members in our thoughts - James Popham

Building Possibilities - Jim Faubion

BBQ Contest -

Introduction of New Members - Ryan Sudlow

Build Day needs to happen for directional antennas if there is interest

Band Pass Filter reimbersment to Ryan Sudlow

Old Business Minutes:

2. Club should pay for band pass filters

3. Enid Hamfest is scheduled for 09 Sep 23, held in Stride Center. There will be a 2 hour window on Friday night for vendor setup.

4. Training for the meeting was the introduction of directional finding antennas. Later this year further training "fox hunting" is being planned.Training was presented by James (KI5OEB), Cliff (KB1KCB) and Wayne (WE63A).

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6:00 PM18:00

Eat and Meet with a presentation on Fox Hunting RF

Meeting Agenda:

  • Repeater Trustee: Nominate and confirm Dave Locke as Club Trustee of repeater site activities.

  • Fox Hunt Coordinator: was named to Cliff Aldrich

  • The HamFest 2023 Date is set for 9 Sept.

    • Price Quoted is for two days $3200

  • Current State of the Repeaters. Need to procure 6 connectors to finish the 145.290 install.

    • The AREDN coordinator from OKC has been contacted and there is a pending reply via email , to start figuring out what is needed to link our repeaters.

    • It has been asked if we would consider getting an AllStarLink VOIP.

  • Show of Hands - who is planning to attend Winter Field Day at Champlin Park?

    • Need to know how many people want hotdogs or to eat prior to show time?

  • Starts at 1800Z(noon Local) for setup

  • The radio traffic officially begins at 1900Z

  • The plan is to operate 6 hours.

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Orchestra and Fireworks Celebrating the Nations 245th Birthday!
8:30 PM20:30

Orchestra and Fireworks Celebrating the Nations 245th Birthday!

Enid Symphony will be playing at Meadowlake Park and would like members of the club to volunteer support for things that might come up. This would include communication support for orchestra and fireworks. Contact information includes Enid Orchestra 580-237-9646 and Western Enterprises 580-855-2203. Two members still needed; No Club Contact volunteered.

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